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Ask the Doctor

If you have questions regarding Cosmetic Dentistry, Preventive Dentistry, or any other general questions please fill out our contact form. Dr. Ramezani will do her best to respond to your questions quickly and privately. Please feel free to review our Popular Questions section to see if a similar question has already been answered.

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Popular Questions

Q: What should I do if I have a dental emergency when the office is closed?

A: If it is a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1. In case of a true dental emergency, call our office number at 858-759-7658 and follow the instructions given by the answering service which includes calling the emergency contact number and leaving a detailed message as to the nature of your condition. We will return the call and arrange to see you in person as soon as possible.

Q: I have a temporary crown in my mouth. What happens if it comes off?

A: Don’t panic, we can fix it. Please call us right away so we can determine if you need to come in for emergency dental treatment, or if you can wait until the next business day. Most patients, after talking to us, are instructed to re-adhere the piece onto the tooth with a little bit of toothpaste or Vaseline. You can try using an over-the-counter dental cement found in most drugstores to place the temporary back onto your tooth.

Q: What should I do if my tooth is knocked out during an accident?

A: Remain calm. If your tooth is knocked out during office hours, but there is no imminent medical emergency such as uncontrolled bleeding, unconsciousness, or other bodily injury, please contact us immediately at 858-759-7658. Do not scrub or wash the tooth; simply place it in a container of milk, saline, or a tooth preservative (obtained from a pharmacy or emergency room). See a dentist as soon as possible, preferably within 30 minutes. With prompt attention, a permanent tooth may be re-implanted into the tooth socket and may remain normal and healthy.

Q: How does the doctor keep up-to-date on all of the current dental techniques and materials?

A: The field of dentistry is always evolving, and Dr. Ramezani enjoys the challenge of staying on top of the current techniques and materials. She constantly reads the latest dental journals and attends several continuing education courses every year. She also belongs to several dental organizations that offer seminars and lectures. Dr. Ramezani requires her staff to stay current in their training and attend dental conventions as well.

Q: How often should I have my teeth checked and cleaned?

A: The American Dental Association recommends a routine check-up once every six months (includes an exam & a cleaning) with X-rays taken as needed. Some patients will require more frequent check-ups depending on the health of their teeth. Regular dental exams and cleaning visits are essential in preventing dental problems and maintaining the health of your teeth and gums. At these visits, your teeth are cleaned and checked for cavities. Additionally, there are many other things that are checked and monitored to help detect, prevent, and maintain your oral health.

Q: I brush every day, but my breath is still not fresh. Is there anything I can do?

A: Bad breath (halitosis) can be an unpleasant and embarrassing condition. It can be reduced and eliminated through careful and regular dental care at home and in our office. If you have not recently had a checkup, we would advise you to come in for a routine exam so that we can try to determine the cause of the problem, which may be untreated periodontal disease. Once we discover the culprit of your breath concerns, we can offer options to treat your needs, including products for fresher breath.

Q: How often should I brush and floss?

A: Plaque is a film of food debris, bacteria, and saliva that sticks to the teeth and gums. The bacteria in plaque convert certain food particles into acids that cause tooth decay. Also, if plaque is not removed, it turns into calculus (tartar). If plaque and calculus are not removed, they begin to destroy the gums and bone, causing periodontal (gum) disease. Plaque formation and growth is continuous and can only be controlled by regular brushing, flossing, the use of other dental aids, and professional dental cleanings.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day (especially before going to bed at night) with an ADA approved soft bristle brush and toothpaste. Daily flossing is the best way to clean between the teeth and under the gumline. Flossing not only helps clean these spaces, it also disrupts plaque colonies from building up, preventing damage to the gums, teeth, and bone.

Q: Do you accept my dental insurance?

A: Dental insurance plans differ greatly; therefore, calling our office in order to speak to a knowledgeable staff member will be the most efficient method of assisting you in your financial concerns.